Installation of required software
In order to ensure a smooth start of the tutorial sessions, please install the following software and packages on your laptop:
- Anaconda contains the programming language Python including the packages Numpy and Cython, as well as the code editor Spyder and Jupyter Notebook.
- Furthermore, additional anaconda packages are required. To install, run the following commands in your terminal with ‘conda’ activated (Windows users: Execute in Anaconda Prompt)
pyfftw : run conda install -c conda-forge pyfftw
simpleITK : run conda install -c simpleitk simpleitk
pyevtk : run conda install -c conda-forge pyevtk
- Windows users require Microsoft Build Tools for C++
- With Paraview we can inspect 3D image data, such as microstructures and solution fields.
Check your anaconda installation and required packages using the attached test code.
Test your installation