
Most of the workshop will take place on the Université Gustave Eiffel campus at Marne-la-Vallée, which is accessible through public transportation (download map here). From Paris, UGE is most conveniently reached by the RER A line (east-bound, Marne-la-Vallée branch), download map here.

Lectures will take place in the Auditorium de la bibliothèque (Library’s Lecture Hall), Georges Perec building (building number 4 on the map of the campus). Tutorial sessions will take place in three different rooms, 2B115, 2B131 and 2B140, all three in the Copernic building (building number 1 on the map of the campus).

For lunch, tables are booked at one of the university’s restaurant (cash + credit cards accepted, more details to come). The university is also surrounded by food trucks!


In the morning, lectures will take place in the main lecture hall at the Paris site of École des Mines️ ParisTech/PSL* (60 boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris VI).

In the afternoon, a guided tour of the School of Mines Mineralogy Museum will be organized.

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